the 2015 National IPPA Awards
I’m still on cloud nine after winning 4 awards at the 2015 National IPPA awards on Sunday night. It was a fantastic evening and the IPPA should be proud to have such a wonderful pool of talented photographers in multiple disciplines. I won architectural and Commercial/Advertising Photographer of the year as well as best singled image in both categories. For anyone that is interested here are the panels of 4 images in both categories as well as the best single image in each.
The 1st 4 images are from the winning Commercial/ Advertising portfolio. All are from the amazing Guinness Storehouse. The 1st image is the best single image in Commercial/ Advertising

The 4 images you see below are from the winning Architectural Portfolio. 2 are from the Guinness Storehouse and 2 are from a beautiful house I photographed for the very talented Darmody Architects. The 1st image is also the winning best single image in the Architecture Category.

If you would like to check out my galleries of the 2 projects than just click here for The Guinness Storehouse and here for the house by Darmody Architects.